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ThetaTraderz Review – Best Options Trade Alerts Service

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by Josh

May 16, 2023

Hey what's up guys and welcome to my ThetaTraderz Review for 2023!

My name is Josh owner and creator of Build a Laptop Lifestyle. Back in March of 2022 I was searching for an options trade alerts service as I'm always looking to generate extra money in any way possible.

The goal with this was to find a way to generate extra income in order to beat the insanely high inflation we've been battling and ultimately create a better financial future for my family.

Probably something you're hoping to achieve too!

So here's a quick back story. My journey with ThetaTraderz and Lance started earlier this year (2022) after I came across a review on the Stock Alerts Reviewed YouTube channel. What I found out is that not only did he provide the alerts I was looking for, but he also is someone that will work 1 on 1 with you to make sure the strategies taught are thoroughly understood.

There are multiple strategies that are used inside of TT that are meant to put you in the drivers seat and maximize the probability of winning.

If you're looking for someone that actually cares about your success and helps you with any questions you might have you won't be disappointed with Lance and his ThetaTraderz Alerts and Coaching program.

Be sure to post any questions, and comments you have below and my goal will be to respond as soon as I am able to.

ThetaTraderz Review Summary


Product Name: 
ThetaTraderz - Options Trade Alerts Service and Coaching Program

Pricing: $99/mo - $1,996 Lifetime

Best for? People looking to generate revenue through the stock market using conservative strategies while beating inflation.


ThetaTraderz provides an all in one alerts and coaching program that is built using relatively low risk high probability strategies.

While of course winning a majority of trades is great, what you'll really love is that Lance takes the time to work with you One-on-One to make sure you are able to be successful in your investing endeavors.

Plus he's more transparent than any other Investing Coaches I've come across. Here's some of his 2022 track record!

P.S. For a limited time Lance is offering a mini course for free!

➡ Learn How to Win 90% of Your Trades in 90 seconds! ⬅

Overall Rating:

What is ThetaTraderz?

ThetaTraderz is one of the best alert service and investing coaching programs that I've ever come across. The focus is to create low risk, high win probability trades using relatively conservative strategies!

ThetaTraderz is owned by Lance Kaminsky who is a former licensed financial planner and insurance salesman who's goal was to always educate and mentor other's about money and investing.

He quickly found out in his former life that the employers he worked for were more interested in padding their products through recommending accounts with high fees that benefitted him more than his clients.

Since then he decided to become a teacher and has even helped other teachers budget and learn to invest the smart way.

But what exactly is ThetaTraderz?

ThetaTraderz is an all in one options alerts service and coaching program created by Lance Kaminsky.

Lance's favorite saying is that "time is on your side" meaning that theta (a.k.a time) decay will work in your favor.

Every trade that is placed is built to leverage that time decay and be consistently profitable while being small account friendly. While his website says the strategies can be implemented with as little as $5,000. I'd actually say you really only need $500 minimum to start. The only difference is that it will take more time to achieve your goals if starting with a small balance.

The alerts and coaching program is done through a private Discord server where you can ask questions, talk about trades with other like-minded individuals, receive alerts for options trades, futures trades, and even 0dte trades.

For the One on One coaching sessions you'll actually use Zoom!

The whole goal with ALL of the trading strategies is to generate 2-4% every month off the the trades that are placed.

What does ThetaTraderz cost?

There are a total of 4 membership options to fit whatever your current budget might be! The monthly, quarterly, or annual plans all include 1 - One on One Zoom session with Lance for up to 60 minutes.

Monthly: $99/month

Quarterly: $197/3 months (a 50% savings compared to monthly over a 3 month time frame)

Annual: $647/year

Lifetime: $1,996/One Time Payment and never pay again!

As an added bonus on the Lifetime membership option you actually will have unlimited 1 on 1 Zoom mentoring sessions with Lance ?

Does the ThetaTraderz program & alerts really work ?

It's important to note that the strategies used are not get rich quick strategies. So if this is the type of program you're looking for it's better to look elsewhere.

As previously stated the strategies TT uses are ones that are meant to generate 2-4% monthly off of the trades that you place.

Right now I'm focusing on mainly two strategies that are taught. The first is the wheel strategy and the second is the 0dte SPY/SPX Strategy. So far I've made around 12% return on investment in approximately 4 months (or 3%/mo).

While I have had a few losses, what I've learned is that it's more important to limit these losses and look for other opportunities.

If I have any questions about one of my trades or what to do I just ask Lance via direct message on Discord.

Learn to Create Wealth Selling Options

Ready to start earning income through selling options? Join the ThetaTraderz coaching and alerts program today and learn from the experts on how to generate consistent profits through time-tested trading strategies. Don't wait, take control of your financial future now!"

One-on-One Coaching

ThetaTraderz is second to none when it comes to One-on-One coaching. I've been a part of multiple investment coaching programs in the past. Lance is one of the few that is actually hands on and takes the time to help.

I've been able to reach out to Lance a variety of ways but my personal favorite is when I'm in a hurry I can just shoot him a direct message on Discord.

Typically unless he's teaching or spending time with family he responds within 5 minutes.

BUT if I'm really struggling he'll hop on a Zoom session with me to go over whatever I need help with. Whether that's how to place a trade or it's something simple like allocation of funds on the different types of strategies he offers.

I've learned enough to the point where I can identify my own trades without having to rely 100% on the stock alerts he provides (His Alerts do save me a bunch of time researching though)... so I typically do a mix of some of his and some of my own trades.

ThetaTraderz Strategy Guides

As part of being a paying ThetaTraderz member you get access to all of the strategy guides that Lance has put together.

He has the links to these within a Google Doc, and the included strategy guides (underlined) are as follows:

Risk Tolerance Profile helps you determine how aggressive you should go with your investing strategies.

The next guide I'd recommend is % allocations and risk management. It covers in depth how much to allocate on each strategy based on your risk tolerance profile.

Lance even covers what to look for as far as what the ideal market conditions are for each strategy.

These are all the strategy guides you should start with because they are the foundation of a successful investing strategy. Then you can start with the actual strategies he covers.

Which include:

  • the wheel strategy and when to roll
  • cash secured puts and credit spreads
  • 0dte credit spread
  • 3 month SPY Iron Condor
  • poor man covered calls
  • and a Future 1 Week Cycle strategy.

While all investing takes some risk these strategies will help you maximize the probability of winning your trades.

Oh one more thing and you should check this out... is Lance's YouTube channel!

Is ThetaTraderz Legit?

You might be wondering if ThetaTraderz is Legit right, and I will tell you in my opinion that Lance and his ThetaTraderz program is one of the best investing programs around.

While many of the programs I've come across have deceitful marketing, or fail deliver on the promises they make in their Sales Pitch...

I haven't found that to be the case with ThetaTraderz. They've been as transparent as possible even posting all of the trades they place win or lose.

Don't believe me? Check out some of promises he makes on his sales page followed by the screenshots!!!

Promise #1: Options Trade Alerts Service - Two High Probability Trades Daily!

Every single day Lance will post Two High Probability options trades. I'd say a majority of the time they're posted around lunch, but the time can vary.

These trades consist of 1 Cash Secured Put and 1 Credit Spread. Which are two different strategies to generate income.

Here's an example of what's been recently ALERTED.

Since I've been a member of Theta there hasn't been a day that's been missed! Granted I don't take every trade but enter ones I'm interested in.

Promise #2: 0DTE Trade Alerts Every Day!

0DTE is one of my favorite strategies because it takes into account the current market conditions but the trade only lasts for the day.

These can be fairly stressful for people looking for a set it and forget it type trade but that's really what the Options Trades above are for.

Why? Because while the 0dte has provided some of the largest gains in my portfolio. It has also accounted for a $200 loss (should have been a $50 loss except that I didn't stick to Lance's rules).

The other risk with this strategy is that, while it rarely happens, a couple losing days in a row hurt could hurt your portfolio. Overall though I have an 88% win rate using this strategy.

Promise #3: Coaching and Support

While I've already covered his One-On-One coaching.

He also provides coaching inside of the Discord channels.

For example if someone posts a question regarding an options trade they'll post in option trades questions channel.

And as stated Lance answers within a matter of minutes unless he really is busy!

For complete transparency I'll even help out inside the discord server if I'm able to. So you'll see me there as HuskerJosh!

Full Track Record of Trades

As a member inside the discord group you get full access to every trade Lance makes!

These are tracked inside a Google Doc and while I can't provide you the link to active ongoing trades (as it's for paying members).

Here's a snap shot of some of his most recent trades including credit spreads, and the 0dte trades that are placed.

credit spread track record

Even after a $70 loss. You come away with $75 overall profit on the credit spreads.

0dte track record

On 0dte trades his track record of winning is around 88%-90%. If you look at the right hand column the beginning balance was $500 meaning growth wise you're looking at 60%.

But don't take my word for it... check out some of the testimonials!


My Results

For complete transparency I am a member of ThetaTraderz and consistently take the trades that are alerted.

However, my favorite trades are the futures. I've included a screenshot of my account.

I started consistently taking these trades in the middle of February 2023. So, it's not like these gains were made in 1 week, slow and steady wins the race!

Started with $5,000 and have not added any extra as it hasn't fit in the budget. If I were to close all positions net liquidating would be $5,642. Doing simple math here divide 5,642/5,000 = 12.8% return in around 3 months.

My goal is simply 2% each month so this more than achieves my goal.

Final Thoughts

Lance's ThetaTraderz program really takes the time to make sure that myself and other members really understand the reasoning behind the strategies and provides the support needed in order to actually place the trades.

As a member of ThetaTraderz since early 2022. I've found that the strategies that are taught are built to help beat inflation by generating income for you and your family.

And not that this is super important but unlike other coaching programs where I don't hear from them for weeks or months. I pretty much talk to Lance every single day as we've become fairly good friends.

ThetaTraderz is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to start trading, even if you have no prior experience. Lance will answer any questions you may have and provide guidance wherever you might need it. Start your trading journey with confidence!

Have you been a student of ThetaTraderz/Lance Kaminsky? Please leave your comments/experiences below!

About the author 


I created Build a Laptop Lifestyle in order to help you create a better future. You've probably already realized that your job is probably not going to fulfill your dreams of financial freedom.

In fact if you're like me you may have even went to college. Earned a degree. Then ended up getting a job in a completely different field of expertise (i.e. nothing to do with your degree).

I've learned that the only way to truly know what my future holds is to create it.

While I like to emphasize the importance of making money online. Build a Laptop Lifestyle has been created to be so much more. I can only hope to change your life for the better... the rest is up to you.

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