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Bramework AI Review – AI SEO Content Writing

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by Josh

February 9, 2023

Welcome to my Bramework AI Review,

Do you struggle with creating content for your blog or website?

I can tell you it's something I've struggled with in the past to say the least.

But I've always been skeptical about using AI writers in the past for more reasons than one. Will the AI writer understand what my article is supposed to be about? Will the quality of the content really be good enough? Will it really save me that much time?

Thanks to AppSumo... I recently decided to give Bramework AI writer a try, and so far I'm very glad I did. Using this software I've been able to generate more content on a consistent basis. Something that I haven't actually done before.

While I had heard of other AI writers I was drawn to the fact that Bramework focused on having it's AI create SEO optimized content.

Bramework AI provides users with a range of writing tools that help ensure that the end product is polished and professional.

I hope you'll find that this review is ultimately a resource to you on whether Bramework AI is something that could help you achieve your goals writing.

Bramework AI Review - Summary


Product Name: 
Bramework AI

Pricing: $17-$250/month (depending on plan)

Best for? Aspiring Freelancers and Bloggers looking to boost their writing output and speed up productivity.


In my experience Bramework AI is incredibly simple to use. The platform walks you through each step of creating a blog post starting with finding the right keywords, to creating an outline, and of course creating complete paragraphs and sentences. As someone that struggles with writer's block Bramework has been a game changer, and I hope it can do the same for you.

Overall Rating:

What is Bramework AI?

It's an AI driven platform that's designed to provide writers with powerful tools to help them write better and faster. With Bramework AI writer, users can quickly produce accurate high-quality content that's tailored to your specific needs.

Additionally, Bramework AI offers a variety of other features to help you improve your workflow and publishing process. This includes tools to help you track your progress, create better outlines, and more. I'll cover these more in a little bit!

How is this all achieved? Without boring you with a ton of in depth detail the Bramework AI writer utilizes GPT-3, which is an AI engine that most AI programs utilize. Bramework combines GPT-3 with their own proprietary algorithms of natural language processing (NLP) in order to create accurate and concise content.

The big idea here is that you will be able to write more content without spending hours on the task.

What's included with Bramework AI?

In addition to being able to create high-quality SEO focused content there are a handful of other tools that have helped me improve my writing!

  • Keyword research analyzer (powered by SEMrush)
  • Catchy Title Generator
  • Blog Post Outline Generator
  • Long-form writing Assistant

The long form content writer offers a range of tools that enable users to customize their posts.

  • Paragraph generator
  • Step by Step guide generator
  • Listicle generator
  • Paragraph summarizer
  • Automatically does a spell check and grammar check
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Command tool
  • Link building & outreach tools 
  • Competitor analysis & keyword tracking tools 
  • Technical SEO tools 
  • Local SEO & listing management tools

Who should be using Bramework?

If you're a blogger that struggles with writer's block, or you simply don't have enough time to create content for your blog. Bramework allows you to generate content in a fraction of the time it would normally take.

Furthermore, unlike the old way of having to pay an expensive freelance writer you'll be able to create engaging well written content whenever you want in a quick and relatively cheap manner.

The quality of the content produced is dependent of course on you putting in some effort. The AI engine is able to take your input and produce content that is accurate and optimized for SEO which in turn can help you rank higher in search engines.

If your goal is to increase your content output, I truly believe that this AI software can be an enormous help to any blogger. Check it out!

Bramework AI Review: The Pros and Cons

The Pros

1. User-friendly interface

Bramework AI has a simple easy to learn interface with an intuitive design that allows users to easily navigate the different features and tools that are provided.

All of the features are clearly labeled, and the layout is VERY straightforward making it easy to get started.

2. Produce content quickly and consistently

Bramework AI helps save time on content creation. Whether you are a freelance writer, blogger, or an agency that produces content.

The software does an excellent job of crafting content that is relevant to the topic being discussed.

3. Improve your SEO Game

An underrated feature in my opinion is that Semrush is built right in, using this tool you will be able to easily identify the right words to target in your content. Using this tool you will be able to generate content that is optimized for the best possible rankings in organic search results.

4. Built in command tool

The Bramework command feature is a standout asset for users. This feature enables users to issue commands to Bramework utilizing a natural language interface. This offers a unique advantage for content generation that should not be overlooked.

What this means is that users can save time on content generation by automatically generating content based on a set of predefined parameters that you've set. This gives you MORE CONTROL over the content that is produced.

5. Real-time grammar and spelling check

I could consider myself a spelling guru, but when it comes to grammar there's definitely room for improvement. While I still believe you should be using a tool such as grammarly which is specifically geared towards checking grammar.

Bramework includes its own grammar and spelling check tool that alerts you to the fact that there might need to be a change in your article. This is great if you're on a tight budget and can't pay for separate tools.

6. Plagiarism Checker

The plagiarism checker is included for NO ADDITIONAL fee for a set number of words. In my case my plagiarism checker will scan 20,000 words before I would have to pay for more. Of course, this depends on your membership level, but the good news is it's not something you have to pay for right out of the gate.

The tool helps ensure that the content created is original and unique.

The Cons

1. Focus on Long Form Content

If you're looking for an AI tool that can take care of marketing, landing pages, or writing a full book (eBook or otherwise). Bramework really isn't meant for this type of work.

While I truly believe Bramework does an excellent job of creating long form content. There are a few features that other services offer that are specifically tailored to meet the requirements listed above. Such as...

But, if your #1 goal is to generate more content for your blog then this shouldn't be an issue. I've also been able to use the long form content writer to generate sufficient social media post and ad copy.

2. Research is essential for having a successful article

It's true, AI writers aren't perfect, and they can make the same mistakes you do based on the information you input. So, if you're unfamiliar with the topic then it's probably best to do some initial research so any potential errors don't go unnoticed.

This leads me to my next point.

3. Any content produced reduces available word count...

If you're having to have content rewritten on a regular basis due to inaccuracy it will cost you by reducing your monthly allotment of words generated.

The good news here is that you can limit any potential word waste by making sure you have keywords included that match what you want your article to be about followed by an outline!

Bramework AI Review: Pricing

Bramework has a variety of pricing plans to accommodate your budget and individual needs. Plans start at only $17/mo for the basic plan.

This plan includes 10,000 words and 1 user. As an estimation if your blog posts average around 1,000 words per piece of content that you create, you'd be able to churn out around 10 articles per month!

Of course, if your goal is to generate more posts there are three more advanced tiers to choose from. These allow you to mass produce content at scale depending on your needs.

With the starter plan you'll get a bump up to being able to use the AI to write 40,000 words. Furthermore, you get an added user that can utilize Bramework as well (whether that be a friend you split the cost with or you have a time of writers).

The professional plan is the last tier that doesn't offer unlimited AI generated words. However, it offers an insane 100,000 AI words, plus up to 4 users. This might be a little overkill for most people but it's actually the plan that I'm on, and it gives me the peace of mind that I'll never go over the word limit.

Finally, The Agency plan is specifically for those that have a team of writers. This plan allows 8 individual users for yourself and your other writers. On the Agency plan you also will be able to use it to create unlimited articles as there is no cap on the number of words you create. Talk about a super powered plan!

Bramework AI Review: The Bottom Line!

Do I recommend Bramework? If you've read to this point it should be fairly obvious that Bramework has been a huge help in creating my own articles.

If you struggle with creating content, have trouble with writer's block, or just have trouble finding the motivation to create a full post because of the amount of work it takes to create. Then the answer is 100% yes.

Bramework AI writer provides the tools you need to produce professional-level content in a fraction of the time that is fully customizable to fit your needs.

Have you used AI to assist with writing in the past? What has been your experience? Be sure to leave your comment/experiences below!

About the author 


I created Build a Laptop Lifestyle in order to help you create a better future. You've probably already realized that your job is probably not going to fulfill your dreams of financial freedom.

In fact if you're like me you may have even went to college. Earned a degree. Then ended up getting a job in a completely different field of expertise (i.e. nothing to do with your degree).

I've learned that the only way to truly know what my future holds is to create it.

While I like to emphasize the importance of making money online. Build a Laptop Lifestyle has been created to be so much more. I can only hope to change your life for the better... the rest is up to you.

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