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by Josh

July 31, 2020

Welcome to Build a Laptop Lifestyle!

My name is Josh, Founder/Creator of Build a Laptop Lifestyle (BALL).

my make money online coach

My Story

I grew up being taught that going to college, getting a job, and working hard were the path to living the good life.

I’ve learned that’s so WRONG… I’ve accomplished all those things, but am I living the good life? Only partially.

I went to College and got a Bachelor’s of Science in Business. I have a full-time job at a bank with decent hourly pay, and while I truly enjoy my job at the same time it limits my freedom.

I’ve found out that in order to achieve TRUE financial freedom or should I say financial indepence… that I couldn’t simply rely on any old job to reach my goals. The truth is Self-Employed entrepreneurs are 4X more likely to become millionaire’s and that’s exactly why I’ve started my journey.

And if I’m being honest the real reason I went to college was to become an entrepreneur not to work for someone else.

Now of course there are MANY ways to start your own business, but the fact is that a franchise or starting a “regular” business will in all likelihood cost an arm and a leg.

That left me looking for ways to generate income online…

Like you I’ve spent a lot of money on a variety of get rich quick schemes, heck I remember the first one I purchased was an eBay course, and like my eBay course get rich quick schemes don’t deliver.

Part of this website is meant to expose these programs for what they are. They sure make someone rich just not you or I!

I’ll admit that so far my journey to online entrepreneurship hasn’t been easy, but I know this can become my full time business and I’ll keep going until I make that happen.

Do you want to Make Money Online?

My advice to those looking to make money online is to just start. You can do all the research in the world, and if you’re always looking for greener pastures or the next best system you are likely to get burned.

I’m going to be honest with you, making money online is not going to be easy. Many people try to promote their system by saying it’s easy these programs are pretty simple to spot as they tend to be incredibly hyped.

You know how the saying goes if it’s to good to be true it probably is.

One program that I definitely recommend that you check out is called Wealthy Affiliate it is legitimately a business in a box solution and while they focus on affiliate marketing you can really use them to build any type of business.

Here’s the thing though joining any program even WA does not guarantee success. An online business is just like any other brick and mortar business… you have to put in the time and effort, essentially your success solely depends on you!

Goal of Build a Laptop Lifestyle

There are many goals of this website, but I’d say if I were to narrow it down to one it’s to help people make their first dollar online. Whether you’re looking to make money online as a side income or full-time I will be documenting my journey, and providing the latest information to ensure you have the best possible chance for success.

I’m no guru, but you should at least be aware that there is a lot of misinformation and many people out there that are only wanting your money without providing any value to you.

That’s why I promote Wealthy Affiliate as my preferred business building platform. All of the training and tools are included in one place and allow you to start making money… No Upsells and No BS just how I like it.

Feel free to leave any questions, comments, or suggestions below and I’ll be more than happy to respond back in a timely manner.

Thanks for stopping by,


About the author 


I created Build a Laptop Lifestyle in order to help you create a better future. You've probably already realized that your job is probably not going to fulfill your dreams of financial freedom.

In fact if you're like me you may have even went to college. Earned a degree. Then ended up getting a job in a completely different field of expertise (i.e. nothing to do with your degree).

I've learned that the only way to truly know what my future holds is to create it.

While I like to emphasize the importance of making money online. Build a Laptop Lifestyle has been created to be so much more. I can only hope to change your life for the better... the rest is up to you.

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